What is Baptism?

Baptism is an ordinance that holds deep significance for both the person being baptized and the congregation as a whole. When we are baptized, we are claiming an identity with the larger family of faith and joining the community of believers in Christ. Every time we witness someone being baptized, it serves as a reminder of our commitment to God and our unity as a community of faith.

In the UNIDA Evangelical Church of Terrassa, we believe that baptism is an act of obedience to God's will and an expression of faith in Jesus Christ. Baptism symbolizes the washing of sins and the purification of the believer, as well as their public commitment to follow Jesus Christ. It is an important moment in the life of any believer, where we renounce our former lives, selfish desires, and ambitions, and embrace the life that God calls us to live.

Like communion (The Lord's Supper), baptism is a commemorative service that reminds us of our commitment to God and our unity as a community of faith. Every time we see someone being baptized, we remember our own baptism and commit to helping this new member of our community grow in their faith. It is an individual act but also an integral part of the life of the community of believers in Christ.

If you are interested in being baptized, we invite you to talk to our pastors to discuss further details and schedule a baptism date. Remember that baptism is not a requirement for salvation, but it is an important part of a believer's life and an opportunity to publicly express your faith in Christ.